
Studio | Carol A. Wilson Architect FAIA

14 Longwoods Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105


Resume (PDF)


Carol A. Wilson FAIA has been working in Maine since 1981. “Deeply tied to the landscape of Maine, my desire is to produce buildings worthy of this place.” She established her own firm in 1986. In addition to the work of her studio, she teaches, lectures and is an active force in the Portland Society of Architects. Her work has been published and widely recognized for its excellence in design.

“It is not necessarily those lands which are the most fertile or most favored in climate that seem to me the happiest, but those in which a long struggle of adaptation between man and his environment has brought out the best qualities of both.”

T. S. Eliot

Project Team

Eric Eng
Tom Hall
Carol A. Wilson FAIA
Gavin L. Engler AIA
Mary Owen Babikian
Amanda Begins
Mary K. Berry
Sloane Mayor Chambers
Eric Drzewianowski
Anna Francis
Aimee Keithan
Cassandra Kellogg
Alex Lehnen
Matt Lindsay
Jonathan Novak
Catherine Scott Nugent
Jocelyn Oppenheim
Kimberly Ortengren
Steve Pondelis
Roberta Trafton
Becca White
Amanda Hyde Wilson


Ripcord Engineering, Sonia Barrantes, P.E., Jacob Staub, P.E.
soren deniord design studio, Soren de Niord, Landscape Architect
Lincoln/Haney Engineering Associates, Inc.
Michael Boucher Landscape Architecture
Richardson & Associates, Landscape Architects
Albert Putnam Associates LLC
Bob Swift, Swift Engineering
Casco Bay Engineering
Susan C. Ruch, House One
UJMN and Carol A. Wilson Architects
Van Dam & Renner and Carol A. Wilson Architects

Web Design

Eric Eng
Vesica Design
Seth King


Trent Bell
Sandy Agrafiotis
Brian Vanden Brink
Scott Dorrance
Moira Greenspun
Jonathon Harper
John Hession
Warren Jagger
Darren Setlow

Carol A. Wilson Architect